How Much Does It Cost To Run An Electric Fire & Fireplace?
Depending on the make and model of the fire, it can cost as little as £2 a year to use an LED electric fire on flame effect only. The total cost of using an electric fire will ultimately depend on what you are doing with the fire, and using more of the heater and less of the flame effect will unquestionably be more expensive than using the fire on effect only mode. Electric fires have the added advantage (when compared with solid fuel and gas fireplaces), of being able to use the flame effect independent of the heat. This essentially means you can have the warm glowing effect, without having to use the heater. This creates a lovely ambient atmosphere without the expense of burning any fuel source such as gas or logs.

What makes electric fires so efficient?
1. Electric fires essentially emulate the warmth of a real fire and hence are pretend fires with a heater built in. If you use the fire to create the ambiance, then you are saving money because your central heating system will heat the room and you can still enjoy the warm glow of a cosy fireplace. Essentially all leading experts will advise that the most efficient way to heat a room is by using an efficient central heating system. Hence the combination of an electric fire as a focal point with an efficient central heating system is often the key to a lovely atmosphere without the excessive running costs.
2. Dimplex a major manufacturer of electric fires in the UK quotes an unbelievably low annual running cost of just £2 per year for their efficient LED fires based on using flame effect only and no heat. This essentially shows how efficient modern electric fires truly can by. The flame effect is created by a series of ribbons behind a mirror and illuminated by a fan. As the fan blows the ribbons in a random pattern, the light is captured in a series of mirrors and creates the illusion of fire. LED lights are much lower in energy consumption and have a much higher life than standard bulbs and for that reason increase efficiency yet again.
3. Most homeowners are scared into falsely believing that electric fires are much more expensive to run than gas alternatives. However, electric fires are often much more reasonable sources of heat (even if heat function is used) than many homeowners would images. The average cost of a unit of electricity is around 33.02 pence per KW (Average unit price per KW per hour on 27/9/22), hence using the 2KW heater on an electric fire costs £0.33 x 2 = £0.66 per hour. Electric fires also do not require an annual service (unlike solid fuel or gas alternatives) and hence save around £50 per year (money that would be spend on a service). Electric fires are also much cheaper to install as they simply plug into a regular 13 amp socket and hence save on installation costs.