Non standard made to measure fireplace hearth
In many circumstances you may a non standard made to measure hearth (base section of fireplace) to accommodate your unique requirements. At Creative Fireplaces, we make all our Marble, Granite & Slate hearths to order in our Nottinghamshire based factory. As a direct manufacturer we are certainly able to undercut any other retailer or web based company. The sheer economies of scale make us very competitive and providing excellent value for money is at the core of our business model.Reasons for buying a made to measure hearth
1. A non standard hearth can be used to cover the gap in an existing cut out in your carpet or laminate flooring. This is extremely useful as it saves you having to purchase a new carpet or lay new floor. Approximately 85% of our non standard hearth orders are ordered to accommodate for an existing cut out
2. A made to measure hearth can enable you to re-use an existing fire. Please see the example below, which shows a customer’s requirement for a non standard hearth which needs to be raised of the floor in order to accommodate a specialist fire.
3. The typical height of a fireplace hearth is 50mm (made up of a 20mm horizontal section with a 30mm vertical section called the riser). It is possible to either make two hearths or make a feature out of the overall effect, or to raise the height of the one individual hearth.
Creative Fireplaces can help