Is a cut to size fireplace Hearth the total Hearth measurement to the lip edge of the Fireplace Hearth?
The total hearth measurement is always from the back of the fireplace hearth to the edge (or lip) of the hearth. A great way save time and money is to buy a cut to size fireplace hearth. This means that you do not need to change your carpet as the new fireplace hearth will be made manufactured to accommodate the existing cut out in your carpet or a laminate floor. When specifying a bespoke fireplace hearth be sure to mention the contact size in your existing corporate a laminate floor so that the under section of the fireplace hearth can be made to cover the existing cut out.How much will a cut to size bespoke fireplace hearth cost?
High Street showrooms will charge a large premium to make a bespoke made-to-measure fireplace hearth. In many respects high Street showrooms earn the majority of their income by ordering made-to-measure products that consumers cannot purchase elsewhere. I Street showrooms essentially use their industry knowledge to source useful non-standard fireplace products and charge a large premium for the surface. By purchasing direct factory such as Creative Fireplaces, you are able to cut out the middleman and make considerable cost savings. From what our customers tell us, we are an average 80% cheaper than the majority of high Street alternatives. If you are purchasing one of our Marble fireplaces, then we are able to offer a bespoke made-to-measure hearth service from as little as £35 extra.