Power Flue Flat Wall Gas Fires Explained
Power Flue gas Fires are ideally suited for homes without a chimney or flue (flat wall gas Fireplaces). The main advantages of a power flue fire are that the flame is open and not hidden behind a glass screen (living flame effect). This makes the flame picture much clearer and realistic (looks more like a real fire as its open). Power flue Fires work by venting the fire externally through an outside wall. Essentially this elevates the requirement for a chimney or flue and means you can have a open living flame gas fire in your living room.
1. Power flue gas fires use a fan (electrical supply needed) to remove the fumes emitted by the gas fire (whilst in use). This is arguably one of the criticisms of the fire as it requires a power supply to work and hence some homeowners that prefer a backup
2. Balanced Flue gas fires on the other hand are glass fronted & much higher in efficiency than the open fronted power flue alternatives. These fires do not require an electrical fan to operate and hence can be used in the eventuality of a power cut in the area (can provide back-up source of heat for boiler)